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Are Boundaries Real or Imagined?

Bob Ginsberg

Traditional elementary school education enforced the idea that there were actually physical dividing lines that separated countries from one another. Maps and globes were staples in our studies, and impressionable minds believed the evidence put before them. It was a logical assumption that, given the opportunity to travel the world, we would discover physical dividing lines that separated countries from one another. Perhaps they were carved out of the earth or maybe painted with material that would not fade; in any event, the demarcations had to be permanent and quite obvious.

However, it is likely that some started questioning who determined these boundaries, and why they were necessary. Most understood the general principle that boundaries were used to separate countries and cultures, but few actually questioned the concept of man conquering and claiming the Earth in this manner. Furthermore, even less of us contemplated whether such boundaries were either justifiable or rational.

As “baby-boomers” now reflect upon the concept of boundaries a half century later, a growing number have come to see the similarities among geography, cultural and religious beliefs, and our connections to the universe. In a physical sense, these dividing lines foster feelings of separateness – our countries are better, our cultures are better, our religions and gods are better. A large percentage of our globe is entrenched in war because of political and religious dogma, each side absolutely convinced that they are right. To this very day we have political leaders who justify war by claiming that their god is on their side. One could argue that the absurdity of this logic is monumental; yet it continues century after century with no end in sight. What if there were no boundaries, and our “country” was the world? A connected world vs. a separate world – perhaps this concept or design was the way it was intended.

In the psychic world, there is ample evidence that communication may have not always been through the five senses presently used. For example the Aborigines communicated through telepathy. If a tribe member was in trouble, despite being great distances away from home, this became “known” and help was dispatched. This was not a mystical occurrence nor was the information gleaned from ritual or deep meditation; this was simply the way it was. Ancient Greek civilizations regularly communicated with the dead; they were never taught that they shouldn’t or couldn’t. It is very likely that intuitiveness was the original mechanism by which we navigated our physical lives.

Civilization creates boundaries to our consciousness. We were schooled in the principals of mainstream science, a science that fostered separateness and rejected any possibility that our universe could be multi-dimensional.These boundaries to consciousness are reinforced by our memories and brain patterns, our cultural indoctrinations, and our industrialized societies.

Whether you believe in the Big Bang, Intelligent Design, or a combination of both, it is likely that we all originally came from one point of light. It is ironic that we have been creating obstacles to realizing this interconnectedness ever since. Perhaps there is now some recognition that there are ways in which these boundaries can be blurred.Some have begun using methods such as meditation, lucid dreaming, and intuitive development techniques in an attempt to tap into an “intelligent universe.” Others have begun to pay attention to growing bodies of evidence coming from research of near death experiences. Accounts of extremely clear and lucid sensory experiences, coming at a time when the physical body is dead and unresponsive, have become eye-opening to those previously closed to the concept of consciousness surviving physical death. Credible scientific research of the process of mediumship has similarly caused many to question what they have been taught and have always taken as fact. Studies of remote viewing, the phenomena where people in one location can “view” and retrieve detailed information from another location unknown to them, certainly challenges the belief that our minds and brain are the same thing.

Quantum physics suggests a universe consisting of many dimensions of which most of us are unaware. Instead of a universe restricted by boundaries created by our own perceptions, we are connected to a universe of infinite possibilities.It suggests dimensions unfettered by time and ​space. It is quite possible that our universe is made up of the past, present and future, all existing at the same time in layers of possibilities. Could it be a universe that is begging us to stop recognizing boundaries, stop intellectualizing, and instead feel and sense that our universe is limitless and interconnected? Many believe that it is this widespread recognition that holds the key to our future survival on this planet, and beyond.


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